Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sarah and I went along to Indiana with our friends Glynn and Brooke for Pierogi Fest.

We walked around, eating polish sausages and perogis. We listened to a man play 'Freebird' on an accordian and got our picture taken with a guy in a Mr. Pierogi costume (I'm not sure why I'm so hunched over in this picture... I must have thought I needed to get closer to Mr. Pierogi).

There were numerous stands selling t-shirts that read, "I'm With Her Because I Like Her Pierogis" and "I'm With Him Because I Like His Kielbasa." (and "Polish Ancestry: From Legal Immigrants")

In the much harder to find official souvenir stand, we bought the more straight-forward $5 Pierogi Fest t-shirts. Not surprisingly, most of the larger sizes were long since sold-out. The only shirt big enough to fit was pink, a color that is apparently not popular with obese Polish men.

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