Saturday, February 13, 2010

I took this picture at Young's show. Hawley and Shad were in the audience, Hawley looking good but already long overdue on delivering their first baby.

Me: Maybe it'll happen tonight. It would be funny to go into labor while watching a show about impotence.

Then I saw them again at Megan and Alex's Super Bowl party. Still no baby.

Shad: This baby just refuses to come out.
Me: Hawley, if you could pick any time to have the baby, when would you want--
Hawley: Now.
Me: Yeah, but I mean, you know, is there a time of day that you'd prefer to go into labor---
Hawley: Now. If I could choose I'd go into labor right now.

Quite a few more days passed, but last night, about two weeks past the due date, Hawley finally went into labor.

Shad: [via Facebook]: "Anna Jane _____. Born Feb 13th. 7lbs 13oz. 21 inches. Quiet, Tall, Healthy. Very difficult to get out. Hawley is fine and recovering. Dad is a mess."

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